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Older people inside and outside the labour market: A review

Befolkningen i Storbritannia eldes, på lik linje med resten av befolkningen i vestlige verden, denne rapporten utarbeidet av Policy Studies Institute gir en beskrivelse og oversikt over den eldre befolkningen som står innenfor og utenfor arbeidsmarkedet i Storbritannia.

The population of the UK, as elsewhere throughout the developed world, is ageing. Between 1971 and 2006, the population aged 65+ grew by 31 percentage points while the proportion aged 16 and under declined by 19 points.The aim of the report is to undertake a review of older people both inside and outside the labour market at different life stages.
It is anticipated that one third of the nation will be over age 50 by 2020. Average life expectancy has increased over recent decades: from age 77 in 1981 to age 84 in 2008 for women and from age 71 to age 81 for men. This trend is expected to continue. In addition, fertility rates have fallen below replacement levels. As a result, demographic support ratios are falling; in 2006, there were 3.3 people of working age for every person of state pensionable age and this ratio is projected to fall to 2.9 by 2031.