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Artikler som begynner med D

Die young or live long: Modeling subjective survival probabilities
Die young or live long: Modeling subjective survival probabilities

16 juli 2014
  • Modeling of subjective survival is critical to the use of mortality expectations in economic  models and the life insurance industry. Subjective scaling factors that are used to adjust average survival probabilities for individual expectations are often based on a single observation of personal life expectancy and assumed to be constant for any projected target age.

Different people, different choices
Different people, different choices

11 juli 2014
  • One of the major challenges for national governments, pension funds, and life/pension insurance companies is to stimulate people to think about their retirement income.

Disability benefit growth and disability reform in the US: lessons from other OECD nations
Disability benefit growth and disability reform in the US: lessons from other OECD nations

24 juni 2014
  • Unsustainable growth in program costs and beneficiaries, together with a growing recognition that even people with severe impairments can work, led to fundamental disability policy reforms in the Netherlands, Sweden, and Great Britain. In Australia, rapid growth in disability recipiency led to more modest reforms.

Demanding occupations and the retirement age in the Netherlands
Demanding occupations and the retirement age in the Netherlands

11 juni 2014
  • We use unique Dutch survey data to analyze the general public’s opinions on what are demanding occupations, to what extent it is justified that someone with a demanding occupation can retire earlier, and on the willingness to contribute to the earlier retirement schemes of such occupations.

Defined contribution pension schemes: landscape and charges survey 2013

21 mars 2014
  • This report provides the findings of a study commissioned by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), designed to explore charging levels and structures in trust- and contract-based pension schemes and to understand the characteristics of schemes that maximise the chance of better outcomes for members.

Developing Annuities Markets : The Experience of Chile

04 mars 2014
  • Demographic aging strains pension systems around the world, leading frequently to large pension expenditures and deficits. The increasing awareness of a looming pension crisis has led to a wave of pension reforms, particularly in the last decade.

Derfor kan pensjonsstriden føre til storstreik

19 februar 2014
  • Vi må tilbake til 50-tallet for å finne en så stor og grunnleggende strid som vi har nå, mener Fafo-leder Jon Hippe.

Die young or live long: Modeling subjective survival probabilities

20 november 2013
  • Modeling of subjective survival is critical to the use of mortality expectations in economic models and the life insurance industry. Subjective scaling factors that are used to adjust average survival probabilities for individual expectations are often based on a single observation of personal life expectancy and assumed to be constant for any projected target age.

Danmark: pensjonsmidler strømmer til byggeprosjekter

17 oktober 2013
  • Danske pensjonsselskaper har investert 7,5 milliarder kroner i offentlig-private samarbeidsprosjekter de siste årene.

Do Older Workers Develop a Short-Timerís Attitude Prior to Retirement?

05 september 2013
  • Even though in retirement and career theories reference is made to a preretirement work disengagement process among older workers, quantitative empirical knowledge about this process is limited.

DC consultation response

14 august 2013
  • Millions of workers will join a pension scheme for the first time as part of automatic enrolment, but for many this will not be an active decision. Most will rely on someone else to look after their interests and choose products which are built to deliver good member outcomes.

Do Income Projections Affect Retirement Saving?

06 mai 2013
  • Americans’ retirement security increasingly depends on how much they save during their working years. One impediment to making good saving decisions may be a lack of knowledge on how saving translates into income in retirement. To address this issue, the U.S. Congress has considered whether to require 401(k) plans to project the value of a lifetime annuity that the participant could purchase at retirement given his current savings. By explicitly showing the connection between saving and income in retirement, the hope is that workers will generally make better saving decisions.