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Artikler som begynner med M

Mer fleksibelt arbeid – hva skjer med velferdsordningene?

25 september 2013
  • Det er et økende gap mellom større fleksibilitet i arbeidslivet og velferdssystemene i de europeiske landene. Veksten i blant annet deltidsarbeid og midlertidige ansettelser utfordrer nasjonale, tradisjonelle støtteordninger.

Mimicking a Real Deferred Annuity - Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love DC

30 august 2013
  • The global pension sector has seen a dramatic shift from defined benefit (DB) plans to defined contribution (DC). In parallel, this has meant a shift from secure real pension benefits to investment dependent nominal benefits which pension economics has shown to be clearly inferior in terms of welfare.

Mismeasurement of Pensions Before and After Retirement: The Mystery of the Disappearing Pensions with Implications for the Importance of Social Security as a Source of Retirement Support

19 juni 2013
  • A review of the literature suggests that when pension values are measured by the wealth equivalent of promised DB pension benefits and DC balances for those approaching retirement, pensions account for more support in retirement than is suggested when their contribution is measured by incomes received directly from pension plans by those who have already retired.

Minimum Income Standards and older pensioners` needs

15 mars 2013
  • The Minimum Income Standard (MIS) defines how much income people need in order to reach a minimum socially acceptable standard of living in the UK today. The MIS for pensioner households represents a minimum for pensioners in general and is based on the needs of hypothetical case study pensioner households – singles and couples – aged 72 without significant health problems.

Møte i Pensjonsforum 15.mars: Fripoliser med investeringsvalg – nye utfordringer for den enkelte, myndigheter og leverandørene

08 mars 2013
  • Pensjonsforum vil denne gangen ta for seg de ulike sidene ved framtidens fripolisesystem. Den varslede adgangen til investeringsvalg, debatten om økte forventet levealder og underreservering samt bekymringene for et framtidig laverenteregime gjør dette til en viktig og aktuell debatt. I Pensjonsforum vil vi belyse utfordringene som reises både for leverandørene, de regulerende myndigheter og, ikke minst, for de mer enn en million innehavere av fripoliser. Selv om nye regler for forsikringsbasert tjenestepensjon vil gi nye fripoliser i form av pensjonsbevis vil de gamle produktene leve videre i lang tid.

Minimum Income Standards And Older Pensioner's Needs

15 februar 2013
  • The Minimum Income Standard (MIS) defines how much income people need in order to reach a minimum socially acceptable standard of living in the UK today. The MIS for pensioner households represents a minimum for pensioners in general and is based on the needs of hypothetical case study pensioner households – singles and couples – aged 72 without significant health problems.

Making the pension system less vulnerable to financial crises

14 februar 2013
  • The Dutch occupational pension system has been successful in securing high asset accumulation to fund generous pension promises. However, for the second time in this decade the pension system has been affected by a financial crisis and many pension funds’ assets fell below levels needed to meet regulatory requirements.

Møte i Pensjonsforum 7.desember Avgangsbeslutningen etter 2011 – hvor mange, hvem og hvorfor?

30 november 2012
  • I dette siste seminaret i 2012 i regi av Pensjonsforum, ser vi nærmere på pensjonering og avgang fra arbeidslivet.

Møte i Pensjonsforum 16.november OECD Pension Outlook 2012 og Banklovkommisjonen fase III

09 november 2012
  • Pensjonforum har gleden av å invitere til et møte det både gis ett bredt perspektiv på utviklingen i tjenestepensjonsmarkedet i Europa, og et dypdykk i kommende regelverket på tjenestepensjonsområdet i privat sektor i Norge.

Making the pension system less vulnerable to financial crises

05 november 2012
  • The Dutch occupational pension system has been successful in securing high asset accumulation to fund generous pension promises. However, for the second time in this decade the pension system has been affected by a financial crisis and many pension funds’ assets fell below levels needed to meet regulatory requirements.

Modeling Retirement Behavior of Single Individuals in the Netherlands

05 september 2012
  • In this paper we estimate a dynamic programming model for retirement decision in the Netherlands. Our model provides an empirical analysis of how the Dutch pension system rules affect labor supply of older single individuals in the presence of uncertainty on income, health status and lifespan.

Measuring and Debiasing Consumer Pension Risk Attitudes

27 august 2012
  • The review in this paper yields four specific policy implications for firms currently providing pension products, and provides suggestions to improve risk measurement and debiasing strategies in pension product advice. This panel paper addresses the issue of how best to measure and debias consumer risk attitudes in the domain of pension product decisions.