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Artikler som begynner med S

Selling Losers and Keeping Winners
Selling Losers and Keeping Winners

19 september 2014
  • A well-documented behavioral pattern guiding individuals’ investment decisions is the disposition effect, which refers to the tendency to sell winning investments too early, while holding on to losing investments too long. This bias has negative wealth consequences, as typically, individuals’ losing investments continue to underperform while their winning investments continue to outperform.

Stadig flere over på innskuddspensjon i privat sektor
Stadig flere over på innskuddspensjon i privat sektor

28 august 2014
  • Brutto forfalt premie for innskuddspensjon (LOI) øker stadig og utgjør nå 43 prosent av brutto forfalt premie for kollektiv pensjon i privat sektor. Premien for kommunal kollektiv pensjon utgjør 52 prosent av samlet premie for alle kollektive pensjonsordninger blant Finans Norges medlemmer.  

Search and Retirement under Asymmetric Information
Search and Retirement under Asymmetric Information

22 august 2014
  • We consider a labor market where the competitive search equilibrium is inefficient due to asymmetrical information. At the time when firms commit to specific hiring costs, workers hold private information on their intention of entering into retirement before the termination of the contract. When retirement is an event which occurs exogenously and information is complete, the long term employment relationship is preferred by the risk adverse workers.

Stocks for the Long Run? Evidence from Emerging Markets
Stocks for the Long Run? Evidence from Emerging Markets

04 august 2014
  • For both domestic and international investors, emerging markets may offer attractive investment opportunities. According to the IMF (2011), published by the IMF, emerging markets’ growth prospects are among the main considerations for asset allocation by long-term real-money investors. Also

Sparer vi nok til pensjon?
Sparer vi nok til pensjon?

28 mai 2014
  • Mange har lav tjenestepensjon og må jobbe lenge for å få nok pensjon. En norsk rapport til OECD viser store forskjeller mellom norske arbeidstakere – ikke minst mellom ansatte i offentlig og privat sektor.

Solvency Capital, Pricing and Capitalization Strategies of Life Annuity Providers
Solvency Capital, Pricing and Capitalization Strategies of Life Annuity Providers

19 mai 2014
  • This paper provides a detailed quantitative assessment of the impact of solvency capital requirements on product pricing and shareholder value for a life insurer.

Statistikk og nøkkeltall for livsforsikring og pensjon 2014

10 april 2014
  • I den publikasjonen presenterer Finans Norge utviklingstrender og status i ivsforsikring og pensjon per 31. desember 2013.

Statutory pensions in Finland: long-term projections 2013

25 mars 2014
  • The report presents the Finnish Centre for Pensions’ long-term projections regarding the development of statutory pensions from 2013 to 2080. The main focus of the report is on projections of earnings-related pensions.

Social partners call pension systems overhaul unconstitutional

21 mars 2014
  • Pension reform introduced by the Polish government has been strongly criticised by the social partners, institutions and experts. The reforms are the most significant changes to the pension system since 1999, placing severe restrictions on private pension funds and redirecting a larger part of their contributions to the state’s Social Insurance Institution.

Særaldersgrenser for fall?

12 mars 2014
  • Noen blir så slitne eller har så risikofylte jobber at de har lavere pensjonsalder – såkalte særaldersgrenser. Arbeidsminister Robert Eriksson vil fjerne denne ordningen. Fagbevegelsen vil være med på å bestemme.

Snart slutt på ytelsespensjon i privat sektor

22 januar 2014
  • Sluttlønnsbaserte ytelsespensjoner er på vei ut i privat sektor. Ved utgangen av 2012 var det bare 300 000 arbeidstakere som var omfattet av en slik ordning. 1,1 million hadde en innskuddsordning.

Social partner's involvement in pension reform in the EU

17 januar 2014
  • This report provides an overview of the involvement of social partners in pension reforms adopted since 2008 across the EU27, as well as in Norway, with a special emphasis on the impact of the crisis on social dialogue on this area, and on the content of pension reforms.